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DS Studios - Photo Production Agency presentsBabyBook

Do you have a child between 3 and 16 years old and do you think he has all the credentials to be able to present him to fashion agencies and the world of entertainment? Then you are in the right place. 
We at DS Studios in collaboration with DS Model Management have created BabyBook - The professional photo book for your baby. 
Finally you can create a professional shooting with qualified personnel who work with high fashion brands. Yes, because the staff that will take care of carrying out your shooting is the same with which we create advertising campaigns and e-commerce shootings for our fashion clients.

Our team is made up of: Photographer, Stylist, Photo retouchers, Make-up artist, professional model and if required also Stylist. 
During the shooting there is a professional model who will teach the child how to pose and above all to remove that rigidity from  primo shooting. He will also advise you on how to take your first steps in this sector and how to send applications to agencies.


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E-commerce shooting created for Vision of Super, a Milan-based brand that requested the presence of two children for the FW 2022 kids collection, children for whom we created the photo books.

BabyBook services

Professional Model

Our professional model will help you take your modeling career to the next level. She'll give you tips on how to pose for photos and offer tips on how to look your best in front of a camera. If you are serious about pursuing a career in modeling or just need help getting started, this is the ideal service for you. You can ask her all the questions you want and she will be at your complete disposal.

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Make Up Artist

The makeup artist will be present on the set and make your child look beautiful for his photo shoot. She will stay with us for the duration of the photo shoot and, if you wish, she will provide you with a new hairstyle and a new make-up for each change of look.


Our Stylist can take care of all your little one's makeovers, from head to toe. He will search and find the best items for your child's characteristics to achieve the desired look. In a shooting with the Stylist there can be 3-4 changes of look: elegant, casual, sporty.

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Video maker

Get a professional video of your child, which you can use to showcase their strengths. The video will be edited to highlight the best parts and remove the less desirable ones. We will also include a second backstage video, which you can keep as a keepsake!

Our productions

The team that creates the BabyBooks is the same that creates the e-commerce shootings for the new collections and advertising campaigns for our customers: fashion brands. So you are in good hands. Here are some photos from our past shootings. 

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Where do we make the BabyBook?

Simple, in DS Studios! Ours is a 500m2 photographic studio on the top floor of thePalazzo San Giorgio in Via Pianezza 212 in Turin. Stately building In a quiet area, with private courtyard and internal parking. In our headquarters we carry out all our photographic productions. Swipe right to see the DS Studios studio

Fill out the form to request information for the BabyBook

In addition to the photographer, Make-up Artist and professional model would you also like?

The form has been sent!

For information and requests, fill in the form or send an email to:


If you want to work with us and you are a: Photographer, Videomaker, Stylist, Graphic artist, Photo retoucher or Mua, Hairstylist, send your application to:

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